808 Godz Vol.1 WAV-DiSCOVER

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“808 Godz Vol 1”包含 50 种不同的一次性 808,可立即将您的制作提升到一个新的水平。所有声 […]



“808 Godz Vol 1”包含 50 种不同的一次性 808,可立即将您的制作提升到一个新的水平。所有声音都由白金销售制作人调整、处理和均衡到完美。这适用于寻求高质量 808 单镜头以添加或完善其 Hip Hop 曲目的制作人。它对于 Hybrid Trap、Future RnB 等其他类型也很有用。这就像他们有很多可靠的热门歌曲可供选择一样直截了当。一个非常有用的包,可以添加到您的 808 库中,以便在您需要时使用。
‘808 Godz Vol 1’ contains 50 different one-shot 808s that will instantly take your production to the next level. All sounds are tuned, processed and EQ’d to perfection by Platinum-selling producer. This is for producers looking for top-quality 808 one-shots to add to or complete their Hip Hop tracks. It’s also useful for other genres like Hybrid Trap, Future RnB and so on. It’s as straight-forward as they come with lots of solid hits to choose from. A very useful pack to add to your 808 library to reach for whenever you need it.
