365 个样本已准备好创建出色而新鲜的曲目。在包中,您会发现您从演示中听到的每一种声音,包括贝斯线、鼓循环和带有变体的顶部循环、单鼓循环、音乐循环、语音循环、鼓填充循环、FX 循环等。这个包也非常适合 Tech House、Deep Tech、House、Deep House 和 Techno。
365 samples are ready to create great and fresh tracks. Inside the packs you’ll find every sound you’re listening to from the demo, including basslines, drum loops and top loops with the variations, single drum loops, music loops, voice loops, drum fill loops, FX loops and more. This pack is perfect for Tech House, Deep Tech, House, Deep House and Techno too.