Peak Time Techno Samples Pack WAV MiDi-FANTASTiC

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我们尽最大努力提供专业的样本和循环,以帮助您获得最好的高质量内容,以与前 100 名 Beatport Cha […]



我们尽最大努力提供专业的样本和循环,以帮助您获得最好的高质量内容,以与前 100 名 Beatport Chart 曲目竞争。我们受到 UMEK、Adam Beyer、Charlotte de Witte、Cosmic Boys、Joyhauser、Amelie Lens、T78、Enrico Sangiuliano、Bart Skills 等艺术家和 Drumcode、Terminal M、1605、Filth on Acid 等标签的启发。你可以找到一些巨大的底鼓、驾驶帽和骑行循环以及一些时髦的打击乐循环。创造强大而原创的舞池热门歌曲所需的一切。除了添加一些宇宙合成器线路、催眠琶音器、电影合成器喇叭声音外,这些声音特别制作用于创造瞬间和独特的砰砰声来冲击舞池。我们还包括 15 个构造套件,以帮助您开始您的下一个杰作。构建工具包基本上是您可以在主演示中听到的 15 首短轨。
We gave our best to deliver professional samples and loops to help you reaching the best high quality content to compete with the Top 100 Beatport Chart tracks. We’ve been inspired by artist such as UMEK, Adam Beyer, Charlotte de Witte, Cosmic Boys, Joyhauser, Amelie Lens, T78, Enrico Sangiuliano, Bart Skils and label such as Drumcode, Terminal M, 1605, Filth on Acid,… Inside you can find some huge kick drums, driving hats and ride loop and some groovy percussion loop. Everything you need to create a powerful and original dance floor hit. Along with add some cosmic synth line, hypnotic arpeggiator, cinematic synth horn sounds, crafted especially to create instant and unique banger to slam the dance floor. We included as well 15 construction kit to help you start your next masterpiece. The construction kit are basically the 15 short track you can hear in the main demo.
