Bass House Vol.1 WAV MiDi

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“Bass House Vol 1”是这个强大系列的下一卷,专为 House、Bass House、G-Hou […]



“Bass House Vol 1”是这个强大系列的下一卷,专为 House、Bass House、G-House 和 EDM 制作而设计。如果您正在寻找一些巨大的低音线和惊人的主循环或肥底,您会喜欢这个系列。这是一组完整的曲目,包括中断循环、下降循环、MIDI 循环、套件茎和短声,灵感来自最近几个月最强大的贝斯音乐。在所有速度和键标记的循环中,您会发现各种强大的 Bass House 声音。所有这些专业录制和组成的样本都是免版税的,这意味着它们可以用于个人和商业用途。如果您喜欢像 Brohug、Thami、Curbi 和其他大牌那样具有硬朗和肥厚的低音线、疯狂的中断和大量下降的曲目,那么这个包是您工作室收藏中的下一个必备品。
‘Bass House Vol 1’ is the next volume from this powerful series designed for House, Bass House, G-House, and EDM production. If you are searching for some massive basslines and amazing lead loops or fat kicks, you will love this series. This one is a collection of full tracks including break loops, drop loops, MIDI loops, Kit stems and short vocals inspired by the most powerful Bass music bangers in recent months. Amongst all tempo and key labelled loops you’ll find a powerful assortment of Bass House sounds. All of these expertly recorded and composed samples are Royalty-Free, meaning they’re cleared for personal and commercial use. If you love tracks with hard and fat basslines, crazy breaks and massive drops like those of Brohug, Thami, Curbi, and other big names, this pack is the next must have in your studio collection.
