Deep House and Garage WAV

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Garage 和 Deep House 的跨流派声音在舞池中做得很好。我们决定将这两种流派结合起来,创造出一些 […]



Garage 和 Deep House 的跨流派声音在舞池中做得很好。我们决定将这两种流派结合起来,创造出一些令人惊叹的声音。结果非常好 2Step 摇摆节拍与 groovy deep house 声音相结合,将为您的作品增添不同的品味。期待在 Groovy Percussions、Fat Bass Lines 和 Smooth SFX 旁边听到 Heavily Swing Beats、Sexy Organ 和 Chord Stabs。灵感来自 Disclosure、Dusky、Maya Jane Coles、Catz n Dogz 和 Hot since 82 等艺术家
?60 鼓循环
?35 个低音循环
?30 个合成器循环
?30 个打击乐循环
?30 次击鼓
?25 音效
Cross genre sound of Garage and Deep House is doing the good business on the dance floors. We have decided to combine these 2 genres and create some amazing sounds. Result is very good 2Step swung beats against the groovy deep house sounds will add a different taste to your productions. Expect to hear Heavily Swung Beats,Sexy Organ and Chord Stabs alongside Groovy Percussions, Fat Bass Lines, and Smooth SFX. Inspired by artists such as Disclosure, Dusky, Maya Jane Coles, Catz n Dogz & Hot Since 82

?60 Drum Loops
?35 Bass Loops
?30 Synth Loops
?30 Percussion Loops
?30 Drum Hits
?25 Sfx
