“Deep Garage House”为 Deep 和 Garage House 制作提供超过 600 MB 的专业声音。融合了 Deep 和 Garage House 的精华,这个系列充满了模拟低音律动、jackin 节拍和顶级循环、过滤合成器、磁带饱和的 stabs、尘土飞扬的键和弦、人声剪切和 FX。所有声音都以标准 WAV 格式呈现,并且可以加载到任何 DAW 或采样器中。
‘Deep Garage House’ delivers over 600 MB of pro-crafted sounds for Deep and Garage House productions. Fusing the best of Deep and Garage House, this collection is loaded with analogue bass grooves, jackin’ beats and top loops, filtered synths, tape-saturated stabs, dusty key chords, vocal cuts and FX. All sounds are presented in standard WAV format and ready to be loaded into any DAW or sampler.