Emotive Electronica WAV-DiSCOVER

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Emotive Electronica 探索了当代电子音乐中更令人回味、合成器沉重的一面,同时保持对律动、重量 […]



Emotive Electronica 探索了当代电子音乐中更令人回味、合成器沉重的一面,同时保持对律动、重量和进展的强烈重视。通过结合未来的嘻哈节奏、驱动模拟合成器和飙升的主线,这个开创性的样本集超越了流派,每一次聆听都提供纯粹的灵感。受到 Moderat、Nathan Fake 和 Oneohtrix Point Never 作品的启发,但使用独特的 Touch Loops 声音创作,这个美丽的未来嘻哈系列要求被扭曲、操纵和采样。在这个示例宝石中,您会发现重度驱动的拟音节拍、饱和的里斯贝司线、超宽的弯曲模拟和弦动作、令人回味的模拟主音、不断变化的音景等等。
Emotive Electronica explores the more evocative, synth heavy side of contemporary electronica whilst maintaining a strong emphasis on groove, weight and progression. By combining futuristic hip-hop rhythms, driven analogue synths and soaring lead lines this groundbreaking sample collection transcends genres and offers nothing but pure inspiration upon every single listen. Inspired by the works of Moderat, Nathan Fake and Oneohtrix Point Never but created with the unique Touch Loops sounds, this beautiful future hip-hop collection is asking to be twisted, manipulated and sampled. Inside this sample gem you’ll find heavilly driven foley beats, saturated reese bass lines, super wide warping analogue chord movements, evocative analogue leads, evolving soundscapes and so much more.
